Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Schedule......

I was just reading a short post by PaulGraham on Schedule- Manager's schedule, Maker's schedule. A meeting, can sometimes, blow up your whole day and I did face the same problem many a time before. Now, to some extent, I can work without the meetings disturbing my schedule. :)

Yeah, especially when you are programming, you never know what new challenge you would be encountering. Such cases of unexpected challenges surely would keep our eyes gluded to the LCD and hands on the ergonomic keyboards. And my experience is that many a time I forgot few social appointments leading to short hard feelings. A work around, is to schedule such work in the night. :D

I am also used to the "grab coffee" kind of meetings with people for two reasons. One, that would give some physical exercise, refresh my brain and get some time to breathe in the natural air. Second(may sound a bit silly) I like eating and drinking a lot.

But, do I really need a schedule when I enjoy the work I am involved in?
hmmm..... my heart would then respond
yes...... its better that I spend some time for family and friends too. :P

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