Tuesday, November 6, 2012

EOF Exception Running Twitbase Examples

I tried running the first example program UsersTool.java and after the following message I get an error message.
zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server Inferno/, sessionid = 0x13ad53b961d0009, negotiated timeout = 40000

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Call to Inferno/ failed on local exception: java.io.EOFException

Though, the package compiles well, I get this runtime exception.

HBase starts and runs successfully but the problem is with the connection. After, a bit of delving, I found that this is due to the difference in
versions of HBase used for compiling and running.
So, first check if the version of HBase started and the version of HBase indicated in pom.xml are compatible.
I run hbase 0.90.4 and the version I used in to compile was 0.92.1.

Changing the version in pom.xml to the hbase version running on the system does the trick.

      <version>0.92.1</version>    <!-- Change this to the version of hbase running on the system)   -->

#No-SQL databases


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