Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Communication channel - shift

I am part few of whatsapp groups and could see how drastically the communities have shifted from other social media to this mobile based social platform.

Earlier, most of the communications were sent via groups on fb. These days looks like the groups in whatsapp are more vibrant and active.
No doubt if we would also see some whatsapp groups created by corporates to harness the potential involved.

The shift in the channels for personal communication:

Snailmail --- Email --- Messenger --- Messengers on social platform --- Messengers on mobiles.

Does that mean that if you are not on WhatsApp/FB, you don't exist!

Looks like virtual social presence is weighted more than a physical presence.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Encapsulation in the physical world @ workstation

Encapsulating (wires and the adapter) to decrease the clutter at workstation :)
The box holds the adapter and the lengthy wire.